
Hi, I’m Nickola Blunt and I like to nurture body and personal brilliance in the flow and on the go.

As a brilliance coach I love to see people nurturing their unique and wondrous body. It’s about looking after your body’s brilliance in the flow and on the go in a way that feels good to you. This is a wild fun ever evolving journey.

It’s not about a whole lot of draining disconnecting shoulds and have toos and try harding that make it more difficult for your body to million multi miracle per millisecond.

This is not about striving to be perfect it’s about looking after the already perfect you better because your body is already more miraculous than you can imagine. So why not enjoy your infinite being and body.

So that’s food and ideas and actions that makes your body go YESSS, thoughts that allow it to more easily do miracles, laughter, alignment, self acceptance and honoring EVERY part of yourself. I like to quickly throw tasty food together that feels good, fun food idea bouncing with friends and travelling with good food.

I love to be fit and in the flow with my body and I love to eat food that makes me feel good. And I love to see how other people rock their body brilliance and how good it makes them feel.

My mum for example praises and acknowledges her body everyday for it’s amazing achievements and her appreciation of it helps keep her fitter than most people half her age.

A good friend is training from the flow its not a rigid schedule its guided by his intuition he has amazing recovery, energy and results.

Another gifted person I know who can see how their body heals notices that when they eat food that feels aligned with them their whole body is able to heal better. That’s not about perfect diets either it’s about making aligned food choices. It’s very interesting because even if they have sweet food when it feels right they don’t have any cravings afterwards.

Many people bless their food before eating it and some recharge as much from nature as from food. Others bliss out when eating the food of their ancestors.

So often we want our bodies to be a certain way so we can feel ok about ourselves, our body becomes the punching bag for our lack of self esteem, so unfair. This is crazy when we are already remarkable unique infinite beings. Instead of taking charge of our self esteem we blame it on our body which of course feels like crap as it totally disconnects us from who we really are.

Worse still it can escalate into judging other people by their bodies, I call this crap dominoes. Our bodies are just an innocent party in all this and despite being obstructed by our thinking lovingly continue to function as best they can. Our capacity to heal is enormous when we don’t limit it with our thinking.

I love to see the multiple miracles that occur when people take charge of feeling good about themselves instead of needing their body to be perfect to feel good. There are so many unique and beautiful human expressions of gorgeous and greatness. We are all a work of art and the more we enjoy it the more our miraculous bodies can flourish and bloom in the garden of our self acceptance and power.