The Brilliant Power of Dressing for YOU

Recently a friend was guided to to a visualisation on what kind of people they attracted at social events when they dressed so that everyone would like them or think they were ok vs just completely being themselves and dressing for themselves.

The difference was mind boggling and a very powerful message about how important it is to love and honour ourselves and our bodies.

When we dress for the approval and adoration and respect of others we are unconsciously disowning our brilliance so we tend to attract people who are doing the same.

People who have forgotten they are brilliant and need a trophy fix to feel better who don’t have the best energy or intentions. These situations can feel very addictive and alluring (emotional cocaine) and disconnect us from our brilliance and guidance very quickly. In a bar this felt like all the wrong kind of people wanting to connect for all the wrong reasons.

When she dressed in the clothes she loved and took charge of feeling good about her body, her visualisation showed this attracted completely different people the bar situation. These were genuine people who were attracted to her because she was being herself and so were they.

Being yourself has so many payoffs in every aspect of your life, its like an invisible high frequency crap deflector. A wildly efficient brilliant guidance completely aligned with your true self.

Wake up SHARP.

It feels good to wake up bouncy, sharp and ready for the day with energy and focus for work, love and play. Simple tips to wake up sharp, funny since my last name is Blunt.

Honouring YOU no matter what others think is one of the best ways to wake up sharp. Some wakeup sharp suggestions will align with you and others will not that’s perfect. Following your unique guidance will help you stay sharp during the whole day.

Some days you will feel stressed out and wasted, that’s ok. Your sharp self is always patiently waiting for you to return to your infinitness and the wonderful day you deserve to have.

Savour the feeling of waking up fully connected to your infinite. It’s light, clear and wonderful, that’s your perfect flowful day assembling itself. Such a beautiful short worthwhile feeling and time investment. As soon as your thinking comes in the feeling changes. Savour it as long as possible and observe how head thoughts change the vibe of your infinite self connection.

10 minutes  of your style of meditation creates a powerful foundation for a great day.

Flood your mind with thoughts about what kind of day you would like, asking for what you want wishing that for others, thinking about how you want to feel about yourself in the day ahead. Lock in positive and expansive energy.

Focus on what you want, take charge of feeling good about you never let anyone else decide it. Any focus on drama or other people’s behaviour will disconnect you from your sharp infiniteness. Replace focus on the behaviour of others with ruthlessly honest self examination, total self acceptance of any gnarly parts and an even clearer focus on what you really want and the feeling of having that in your life. Remember no matter how your life looks you are AMAZING.

Start and finish your day sharp with meditation even 10 mins is good this can be soo restorative even if its just breathing with awareness. It keeps your energy sharp.

Move it, your body loves to move, such an important way to nourish your body and your being. Find something you enjoy do as an act of self love in ways that feel good to you on the day. Dance, walk, gym, take the stairs, take little breaks when seated.

Choose good foods, natural adaptogens, gut nurturing herbs and spices and quality supplements that nourish and support your body, immunity and ability to cope with stress, there is so much good information out there.

Ditch sugar, gluten and processed foods and discover super yum food you absolutely love and keep your body and mind sharp. I like intermittent fasting, organic foods, and eating from the natural flow of what feels right for me. Avoid foods that make you feel tired and spike your blood sugar.

Embrace your mental, spiritual, physical, emotional, infiniteness. Recently before I went to the gym I stood in the mirror and acknowledged my physical infiniteness. The difference it made to the energy of my session was incredible.

Sleep is important but don’t get all hung up about it. Sleep when you sleep work when you work. Be kind to yourself take the rest you need, you deserve it.

Go to bed positive, it helps to set the energy for the next day.

Finally avoid thinking you have to struggle do all this stuff to feel you are a good person, start from the place you are already awesome, do what feels clear for you, stay sharp so you can really enjoy the awesomeness of being you.

Tips for Big Brilliant Energy and Body Brilliance

Vibrant energy is one of the great joys in life.

Ideas to add to your energy toolkit.

1. Your cells run on light, Andreas Goldemann recently shared on one of his brilliant Back to the Origin Healing sessions that if your body is deprived of light completely it will eventually be unable to function. Allowing maximum light into your body is a very important.

2. Light floods into your body whenever you make an aligned decision, a decision that lines up with who you really are no matter what others think. Aligned decisions can be very different to our social, cultural, family expectations or our own conditioning. My very gifted colleague can see into her body and how her cells light up when she does this. If you have been compromising your energy will be drained. Making aligned decisions massively builds energy.

3. Staying in the flow no matter what is going on around you lights up your cells, (one aligned decision after another). That means taking charge of how you see yourself instead of letting events, results or other people decide it. When you operate from the flow much less energy is used as well so its doubly efficient and your recovery is faster.

4. Fear, addiction, trying to figure it out, seeking approval, guilt and compromise leak energy and light like a sieve and disconnect you from your awesome. So it’s very important to be aware of these habits lovingly accept and embrace them and then do something more constructive. You are a beautiful infinite being own it.

5. Breath is a powerful recharge and energizer for the body. When I am working out at the gym, breathing deeply and regularly has a huge impact on my endurance and strength. I often train without breakfast as my body prefers it. Breathe and water are very energising.

6. Joy, positively, love, harmony, appreciation, prayer, staying in the now flood light into the body and energizes the body.

7. Take quiet time everyday to feel the infiniteness of your body and who you really are. 15 minutes a day is a wonderful energy booster for your body.

8. My Maori Healing friends taught me that showers and sea and river swims, water spray bottles and prayer can be great for clearing or spring cleaning our energy when we have been in difficult circumstances or with challenging people. I have learnt to carry a spray bottle in my car for that purpose and it’s been so helpful.

9. Follow your body’s unique guidance around what is right for you. Good quality nutritional supplements nurture my wellness and stamina fabulously, for others it’s meditation on the beach. Trying to do health from your head or to be ok as a person reduces light in the cells and energy. Stay tuned to your genius.

10. Awareness of your energy levels. My favorite saying is go slow to go fast, I have noticed that when I am rushing it means I am reducing the light to my cells and operating inefficiently. When I listen to my body and have a slow day when needed I am recharged lit up and much more efficient.

Wild Aromatic Hair Ambience

I’m from the school of wild hair, fast easy hairdos and irregular haircuts.

Just thought I’d share my fun discovery that essential oils can be great in your hair.

Check your essential oil choices are ok for your head and skin first.

When you are heating up or you just had a shower its lovely to add a few drops of essential oil to the base of your tied up hair or smoosh through with your hands. It’s great for dry hair and your warm head acts as a diffuser and adds glorious ambience to your fabulous being. I have also found this very kind to those around me when I’m working out at the gym deodorant free:)

I use geranium, lavender, sandalwood, tea tree, rose, just to mention a few.

Why do we abandon our body brilliance so easily?

When me or my wildly talented fabulous friends start defining ourselves by our tits, weight, cellulite or wrinkles I wonder how and why we can so easily abandon our infiniteness and wonderous gifted selves to the point where we are defined by our wrinkles. It’s such a shocking destruction/downsizing and disempowering of our magnificence.

Most of us do it and it starts early. At the age of 8 years old I remember that all the boys at school liked a girl who had “nice legs”. I had never seen this before but it seemed that to have acceptance and be popular that is how you should be seen.

 I hopefully asked my Mum and Dad did I have nice legs, they looked surprised, didn’t really answer and had no idea why this was such an important question to me.

No one said to me your body is amazing you’re in charge of loving it exactly the way it is, OWN your gorgeous never leave it to someone or something else. YOUR legs are a natural and fabulous part of your awesome self they do not decide if you are awesome. I began to look at my legs and let them decide if I was ok. I have since apologized to them loved and accepted that behaviour and loved their infiniteness and we are now at peace.

In my later adulthood I asked myself if I had a perfect body how would I feel about myself?

ANSWER: Loved accepted, approved of valued important etc. What does it feel like to think I am worthless without makeup, if I have cellulite and to generally worship at the feet of some fear-based bullshit idea of external beauty and fear-based media concept? Actually horrible and its never enough and wrecks your potential.

This is the relentless pathway to addiction, abuse, eating disorders and disease. I also call it emotional cocaine and its massively disempowering, destructive and obstructive to our awesomeness. When we don’t take charge of our awesome and we seek it from others and it doesn’t work we can unkindly turn this inwards to our bodies or our work or our relationships and mistakenly let our body dimensions decide if we are ok.

It’s a crazy no win situation, those who think their bodies are not perfect feel threatened by those have so called perfect bodies whatever that is, and those with so called near perfect bodies still think theirs is not enough. Who wants needlessly live life like that? It It nourishes nobody especially ourselves.

So what if I take charge of deciding my perfection, not the scales and not my body shape or weight and definitely not the media. It felt so liberating and joyful just to connect with who I really am, my infinite self.

I apologized to my beautiful body accepted and loved every aspect of these less connected behaviours and stood in awe of the millions of miracles that go on in my body every day. So I love my cellulite contours, my varicose vein leg embroidery and my smiling frown creases of a well lived life.

There is no more uplifting gift than someone who is completely themselves it liberates everyone around them and ignites rampant gorgeousness epidemics. Own your gorgeous and enjoy every moment of it. When you love your body you heal it and you make it safe for others to do the same. Have fun unleashing your body love acceptance and appreciation every day.

Love Your Brilliant Body Like a Lover

Recently I had a wild idea.

What if I loved my body like an appreciative lover and felt every

aspect of its gorgeousness sensuously and divinely.

WOW such a liberating thought and wildly beautiful experience.

Why I thought do we ever wait for this to come from someone else like our lover partner etc.

So go on love your body like an appreciative lover because your body is the

best evidence of your infiniteness and brilliance there is.

Little Retreats at Home for YOU

In these massive wellness days (lockdown) we are experiencing I thought what a great opportunity to create our own retreats they can be 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 days.

Make a list of your favorite things music, friends to call movies, food, exercise, creativity, dancing, yoga, building, fasting, watching the sun rise, brewing, tidying, writing, meditating, designing, fishing, biking, fixing, singing loudly, gaming, collaborating, learning, prayer and make a short or longer plan of indulgence.

Put them together in a way that makes you smile big, taking that time for you will make all aspects of your life flow better and make it easier for other stuff to get done as well.

It’s so fun. Send me your retreat ideas, I’d love to hear them.

Renaming Lockdown as National Wellness Days just brilliant.

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My wonderful friend Alison has brilliantly renamed Lockdown as National Wellness Days soo great.

Makes so much sense to think of these days as a time to appreciate our wonderous bodies and make aligned choices that naturally improve our immune system to focus on wellness instead of fear which stands for F everything and run.

I’m not talking about fear based striving for perfection health shoulds or have toos. No these are the fun aligned choices that in the words of my dear friend Alison, “blow your hair back, your socks off and make you smile big”.

Aligned choices energize and heal your whole body and let the light into your DNA and effortlessly uplift everyone around you. These are the choices that make your whole being go YESSSS.

Laughter, fun moments, chatting or eating with friends, looking at the sunset, or the moon light, dipping your toes in the water and cozying up are all great ways to nurture wellness.

Being in the now, booting task lists and prove it itis and mind chatter and accepting every part of who you are. Going slow to go fast and opening the doors to your most inspiring self and welcoming it in also help your body do its most brilliant work.

Have fun nationalizing your wellness with friends and family and let the sunshine and laughter that is naturally yours boost your brilliant being.

Body Loving Brilliance

Body loving brilliance

Take charge of being in awe of your super intelligent body. It’s a symbol of your infiniteness and deserves to be loved and respected. Take charge of loving your body and the work of art you are.

Never let the mirror, people’s opinion or magazine images do it. This is self abuse, it perpetuates abuse and destroys brilliance in every area of your life. It’s so easy to do it unconsciously and consciously.

Grow up, power up, take charge and do it for yourself. This is how you grow your brilliance and make it safe to allow nurturing and respect into your life on every level.

Kick judgement of yourself and others up the ass and out the door.

The world is full of people telling you, you are not ok and what you need to do to be OK as a person. News flash- you were born brilliant. You and your body are ok right NOW.

You are here to enjoy discovering your infiniteness not prove the sun shines out your ass.

Your body is a physical reminder that you are a brilliant miracle machine own it and enjoy it. Leave the beautiful legacy of your self loving body brilliance in the world everyday. This simple act is massively powerful uplifts you and everyone around you effortlessly.

Better brilliance definitions of YOU

better definitions of you-

I’ve been listening to how we talk about ourselves lately.

Why is it that when we are so brilliant and infinite, we define ourselves in small clumsy definitions that do not represent our massive awesomeness in any way?

You are not your height or weight or education or cup size or muscle mass or race or fitness or number of likes. Each of these things are great but they are tiny compared to the massive cluster of multi talented brilliance that is you.

Using these things to define us is divisive. It’s competitive, kills our brilliance and super intelligent guidance, stops us being who we really are and creates a life of struggle and yet …. we do it all the time.

How do you describe your brilliance, how you like to express yourself and be you. These are definitions that don’t seek comparison they express the power of and unique brilliance of you.

Try this fun alternative of add your own. Like an epicenter of flow and wild learning adventures, collaboration, light and laughter and ever evolving brilliance.