
My mum praises her body everyday for it’s remarkable achievements and does exercises that help her strength and chi.

My friend Karen reminds her body its perfect and healthy and a super healer even if it’s sore.

I like to take time to be in the bush or by the sea or by a tree to allow my body to balance and I love to eat food that makes me feel energized, to be in the now and feel peaceful, to laugh and be in the flow.

Another friend always makes aligned decisions and feels the light flood into her body cells and rejuvenate her body. This is not always about super healthy choices it could be go have a muffin, interestingly when she does this from the flow she has no sugar cravings afterwards and does not feel tired. Alignment has a super powerful body charging effect. Her body will instantly communicate it’s discomfort if she is not making aligned decisions.

Another friend does extreme running training by being super connected to himself and his wairua and had phenomenal endurance, recovery and fast sometimes instant healing of injuries.

Another talented woman I know never to solves health problems from her head ie trying to figure it out, she finds this shuts her body down energetically and creates enormous tension and escalates health problems. That’s trying to figure it out, control it be perfect instead of just staying in the flow and following your guidance.

when I see the diversity of individuality flourishing, I smile. Your individuality and its expression are so important to your well being. Creativity in all its many forms is an amazing way to nurture your brilliant body.

Self Acceptance, its soo powerful to do especially when you are coming face to face with insecurities, regrets, judgement, anger resentment and other wild self expressions. To take a moment and completely accept who you are RIGHT NOW brings freedom and deep peace and healing and is so much better for our body than beating yourself up mentally, analyzing and takes away the pressure we put on ourselves etc.

Stylelikeu is a fantastic youtube channel that celebrates diversity and self acceptance .

The late Iris Apfel was a glorious example of how being yourself is such an inspiring creative force at any age.

Laughter, staying in the now and aligned choices connects you with your infiniteness and allows your body to flourish more easily.

Your body is a feeling communicator your head is a thinking communicator. Your body sees with 1000 eyes far beyond the mind into the realms of the infinite because it is infinite, pay attention to how your body is feeling.