Tag Archives: body confidence

Why do we abandon our body brilliance so easily?

When me or my wildly talented fabulous friends start defining ourselves by our tits, weight, cellulite or wrinkles I wonder how and why we can so easily abandon our infiniteness and wonderous gifted selves to the point where we are defined by our wrinkles. It’s such a shocking destruction/downsizing and disempowering of our magnificence.

Most of us do it and it starts early. At the age of 8 years old I remember that all the boys at school liked a girl who had “nice legs”. I had never seen this before but it seemed that to have acceptance and be popular that is how you should be seen.

 I hopefully asked my Mum and Dad did I have nice legs, they looked surprised, didn’t really answer and had no idea why this was such an important question to me.

No one said to me your body is amazing you’re in charge of loving it exactly the way it is, OWN your gorgeous never leave it to someone or something else. YOUR legs are a natural and fabulous part of your awesome self they do not decide if you are awesome. I began to look at my legs and let them decide if I was ok. I have since apologized to them loved and accepted that behaviour and loved their infiniteness and we are now at peace.

In my later adulthood I asked myself if I had a perfect body how would I feel about myself?

ANSWER: Loved accepted, approved of valued important etc. What does it feel like to think I am worthless without makeup, if I have cellulite and to generally worship at the feet of some fear-based bullshit idea of external beauty and fear-based media concept? Actually horrible and its never enough and wrecks your potential.

This is the relentless pathway to addiction, abuse, eating disorders and disease. I also call it emotional cocaine and its massively disempowering, destructive and obstructive to our awesomeness. When we don’t take charge of our awesome and we seek it from others and it doesn’t work we can unkindly turn this inwards to our bodies or our work or our relationships and mistakenly let our body dimensions decide if we are ok.

It’s a crazy no win situation, those who think their bodies are not perfect feel threatened by those have so called perfect bodies whatever that is, and those with so called near perfect bodies still think theirs is not enough. Who wants needlessly live life like that? It It nourishes nobody especially ourselves.

So what if I take charge of deciding my perfection, not the scales and not my body shape or weight and definitely not the media. It felt so liberating and joyful just to connect with who I really am, my infinite self.

I apologized to my beautiful body accepted and loved every aspect of these less connected behaviours and stood in awe of the millions of miracles that go on in my body every day. So I love my cellulite contours, my varicose vein leg embroidery and my smiling frown creases of a well lived life.

There is no more uplifting gift than someone who is completely themselves it liberates everyone around them and ignites rampant gorgeousness epidemics. Own your gorgeous and enjoy every moment of it. When you love your body you heal it and you make it safe for others to do the same. Have fun unleashing your body love acceptance and appreciation every day.

Love Your Brilliant Body Like a Lover

Recently I had a wild idea.

What if I loved my body like an appreciative lover and felt every

aspect of its gorgeousness sensuously and divinely.

WOW such a liberating thought and wildly beautiful experience.

Why I thought do we ever wait for this to come from someone else like our lover partner etc.

So go on love your body like an appreciative lover because your body is the

best evidence of your infiniteness and brilliance there is.