Tag Archives: dressing for you is so important

The Brilliant Power of Dressing for YOU

Recently a friend was guided to to a visualisation on what kind of people they attracted at social events when they dressed so that everyone would like them or think they were ok vs just completely being themselves and dressing for themselves.

The difference was mind boggling and a very powerful message about how important it is to love and honour ourselves and our bodies.

When we dress for the approval and adoration and respect of others we are unconsciously disowning our brilliance so we tend to attract people who are doing the same.

People who have forgotten they are brilliant and need a trophy fix to feel better who don’t have the best energy or intentions. These situations can feel very addictive and alluring (emotional cocaine) and disconnect us from our brilliance and guidance very quickly. In a bar this felt like all the wrong kind of people wanting to connect for all the wrong reasons.

When she dressed in the clothes she loved and took charge of feeling good about her body, her visualisation showed this attracted completely different people the bar situation. These were genuine people who were attracted to her because she was being herself and so were they.

Being yourself has so many payoffs in every aspect of your life, its like an invisible high frequency crap deflector. A wildly efficient brilliant guidance completely aligned with your true self.