Tag Archives: inner wellness

Tips for Big Brilliant Energy and Body Brilliance

Vibrant energy is one of the great joys in life.

Ideas to add to your energy toolkit.

1. Your cells run on light, Andreas Goldemann recently shared on one of his brilliant Back to the Origin Healing sessions that if your body is deprived of light completely it will eventually be unable to function. Allowing maximum light into your body is a very important.

2. Light floods into your body whenever you make an aligned decision, a decision that lines up with who you really are no matter what others think. Aligned decisions can be very different to our social, cultural, family expectations or our own conditioning. My very gifted colleague can see into her body and how her cells light up when she does this. If you have been compromising your energy will be drained. Making aligned decisions massively builds energy.

3. Staying in the flow no matter what is going on around you lights up your cells, (one aligned decision after another). That means taking charge of how you see yourself instead of letting events, results or other people decide it. When you operate from the flow much less energy is used as well so its doubly efficient and your recovery is faster.

4. Fear, addiction, trying to figure it out, seeking approval, guilt and compromise leak energy and light like a sieve and disconnect you from your awesome. So it’s very important to be aware of these habits lovingly accept and embrace them and then do something more constructive. You are a beautiful infinite being own it.

5. Breath is a powerful recharge and energizer for the body. When I am working out at the gym, breathing deeply and regularly has a huge impact on my endurance and strength. I often train without breakfast as my body prefers it. Breathe and water are very energising.

6. Joy, positively, love, harmony, appreciation, prayer, staying in the now flood light into the body and energizes the body.

7. Take quiet time everyday to feel the infiniteness of your body and who you really are. 15 minutes a day is a wonderful energy booster for your body.

8. My Maori Healing friends taught me that showers and sea and river swims, water spray bottles and prayer can be great for clearing or spring cleaning our energy when we have been in difficult circumstances or with challenging people. I have learnt to carry a spray bottle in my car for that purpose and it’s been so helpful.

9. Follow your body’s unique guidance around what is right for you. Good quality nutritional supplements nurture my wellness and stamina fabulously, for others it’s meditation on the beach. Trying to do health from your head or to be ok as a person reduces light in the cells and energy. Stay tuned to your genius.

10. Awareness of your energy levels. My favorite saying is go slow to go fast, I have noticed that when I am rushing it means I am reducing the light to my cells and operating inefficiently. When I listen to my body and have a slow day when needed I am recharged lit up and much more efficient.