Better brilliance definitions of YOU

better definitions of you-

I’ve been listening to how we talk about ourselves lately.

Why is it that when we are so brilliant and infinite, we define ourselves in small clumsy definitions that do not represent our massive awesomeness in any way?

You are not your height or weight or education or cup size or muscle mass or race or fitness or number of likes. Each of these things are great but they are tiny compared to the massive cluster of multi talented brilliance that is you.

Using these things to define us is divisive. It’s competitive, kills our brilliance and super intelligent guidance, stops us being who we really are and creates a life of struggle and yet …. we do it all the time.

How do you describe your brilliance, how you like to express yourself and be you. These are definitions that don’t seek comparison they express the power of and unique brilliance of you.

Try this fun alternative of add your own. Like an epicenter of flow and wild learning adventures, collaboration, light and laughter and ever evolving brilliance.