Wake up SHARP.

It feels good to wake up bouncy, sharp and ready for the day with energy and focus for work, love and play. Simple tips to wake up sharp, funny since my last name is Blunt.

Honouring YOU no matter what others think is one of the best ways to wake up sharp. Some wakeup sharp suggestions will align with you and others will not that’s perfect. Following your unique guidance will help you stay sharp during the whole day.

Some days you will feel stressed out and wasted, that’s ok. Your sharp self is always patiently waiting for you to return to your infinitness and the wonderful day you deserve to have.

Savour the feeling of waking up fully connected to your infinite. It’s light, clear and wonderful, that’s your perfect flowful day assembling itself. Such a beautiful short worthwhile feeling and time investment. As soon as your thinking comes in the feeling changes. Savour it as long as possible and observe how head thoughts change the vibe of your infinite self connection.

10 minutes  of your style of meditation creates a powerful foundation for a great day.

Flood your mind with thoughts about what kind of day you would like, asking for what you want wishing that for others, thinking about how you want to feel about yourself in the day ahead. Lock in positive and expansive energy.

Focus on what you want, take charge of feeling good about you never let anyone else decide it. Any focus on drama or other people’s behaviour will disconnect you from your sharp infiniteness. Replace focus on the behaviour of others with ruthlessly honest self examination, total self acceptance of any gnarly parts and an even clearer focus on what you really want and the feeling of having that in your life. Remember no matter how your life looks you are AMAZING.

Start and finish your day sharp with meditation even 10 mins is good this can be soo restorative even if its just breathing with awareness. It keeps your energy sharp.

Move it, your body loves to move, such an important way to nourish your body and your being. Find something you enjoy do as an act of self love in ways that feel good to you on the day. Dance, walk, gym, take the stairs, take little breaks when seated.

Choose good foods, natural adaptogens, gut nurturing herbs and spices and quality supplements that nourish and support your body, immunity and ability to cope with stress, there is so much good information out there.

Ditch sugar, gluten and processed foods and discover super yum food you absolutely love and keep your body and mind sharp. I like intermittent fasting, organic foods, and eating from the natural flow of what feels right for me. Avoid foods that make you feel tired and spike your blood sugar.

Embrace your mental, spiritual, physical, emotional, infiniteness. Recently before I went to the gym I stood in the mirror and acknowledged my physical infiniteness. The difference it made to the energy of my session was incredible.

Sleep is important but don’t get all hung up about it. Sleep when you sleep work when you work. Be kind to yourself take the rest you need, you deserve it.

Go to bed positive, it helps to set the energy for the next day.

Finally avoid thinking you have to struggle do all this stuff to feel you are a good person, start from the place you are already awesome, do what feels clear for you, stay sharp so you can really enjoy the awesomeness of being you.